Thursday, February 10, 2011



I don't know or care how smart you are, but how ever smart you think you are're not smarter than I am.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What if an inhibitory neuron is inhibiting another inhibitory neuron?

This question was highlighted in one of the lectures my pharmacology teacher delivered regarding dopamine. Thinking deeper into this concept of an inhibitory neuron possibly inhibiting another of its kind, I almost feel like ... if this is the case, then what if a lot of the discoveries have been rather misunderstood in some way? Well, if the above is the case..can you add a comment below to further elaborate your thoughts ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Impactful; Visual representation

A friend of mine said to me once, "It makes no sense to go through so many years of college and then just be perceived as a 'NUMBER' amongst the people in your field"
Hopefully the above sentence is explanatory in the context of being unique and aiming to be the best.

Now, study the diagram below and afterward, consider the questions beneath.

  • Would you rather be Student A or Student B

  • If you picked Student B, how do you define the role of such an individual in the society

  • Are currently on track to appear in the society mimicking Student B

  • What then is your ultimate goal, and why do you think its important to appear in such manner considering the current technological advancement in the world?

  • Keep in mind that the picture depicted here asks the question in a scientific point of view.
  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    New Ideas. Unstoppable

    Like that movie "unstoppable," new ideas can actually be unstoppable sometimes. Every time new ideas pop into my head, I'm thinking "Um... this can be a world changer" ... then right after that, another one pops in. I refrain and begin saying "maybe this is the better idea." Really, of what impact is a novel idea if not implemented in some way. Hence, I've decided to put this into works.
    Build a life with my ideas. Then at 60 look back and say "Um...what a good lived and impacted life"
    Or maybe I will just sell my ideas. But who will buy 'em?
    Funny that I speak of ideas, most people just go on and do it without making mention of it in anyway. I guess I'm just always willing to share what I know with everyone.
    If I may ask, of what use is this skill and how can I change the world with it?

    Already, I'm breathing hard. Looking at the clock and wondering when to go sleep with my bed. 2.18am . Ok, I'm exhausted. I have to go now. Strange since I began writing my day.

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    the beginning of a new semester

    I don't know what to post today, but school starts now and I am a bit shakey considering the amount of work I have to do this semester. Last semester was quite an unexpected ending, but I'm glad this semester can pay off for the mishap.
    Eight classes and a research class. One of the class I completed last week. This week the others start.
    First, my sincere thanks to God who has made it possible for me to be where I am right now.
    In spite of the easy fun things to do around, it seems like this semester will rather leave me wondering how to finish strong while ignoring all there is to do around here. Somehow I've concluded that my appearance during this semester on the school environment will be perceived by very few people, narrowing down the number to my departmental mates.
    Well, as for stress relieving doings, I do not hope for much right now. Maybe soccer here and there, but even with that stress is increased.
    As I write in this blog right now, for reason unknown to me, there is a sense of free flowing sentences emanating from my quite mind. My guess is that this comes from the fact that I'm just writing for fun. Um... if this feeling persists, I will write more of just "my day" as supposed to "strictly success" just like I've been doing until now.
    Ok its already 1:19pm. Its time to stop writing. Chao.
    Dear Spirit of writing, please bring me back everyday to just pour out my mind. do I end?
    Ok, I guess I will just say Bye...
    Bye for now.

    Wednesday, December 29, 2010

    Christmas Break

    A youtube video I watched of Will smith was quite informative considering that he broadly discussed his perspective on success. Somewhere in this interview he spoke highly about work ethic and its importance. T D Jakes also spoke of non-stop hard work in his message "It shall come to pass." Also, during the school year a friend of my said once "I hate the word HARDWORK." Umm...What then am I trying to say here? The one who wins the "gold medal" never STOPPED working hard. Thus, smart work is key but so is unceasing work.
    This is my strive --aim for the sky, but never stop working toward getting there. Sometimes its tough, a lot times I slack, several occasion I disappoint or is disappointed. Then I pray for strength from God to continue working.
    Just today, my friend and I read an essay of a high school senior where she starts of the 6-page paper with "Life is hard..." My comment afterward was "If I read that in my hype moments, my first response will be to keep the paper off for when I'm willing to hear a tragic story because that's what it sounds like." Of course Life is hard, this is supposed to be the case. If its not hard everyone will be like Bill Gates. Hence, starting a sentence with such beginning tells me you are about to pour out some negative words...
    In this life, I do two things that I consider necessary. First is pharmecuticals, the other web design. For me, this do not work hand in hard...but they really have to.
    The reason to write is christmas. And for this reason, I shall hit the nail at the pont. be continued